Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let the little children come to me

Let the little children come to me
Originally uploaded by Scott Dungan.

Stained glass window in Highland United Methodist Church sanctuary.

I enjoy the imagery in stained glass windows. In a single pane of glass an entire story can be told. Modern worship "facilities" look to bland to me. Is this intentional? Are we affraid we will offend people becasue they do not understand the story behind the image? I see images like this one here as an opportunity to share the good news to the world. If we refuse to provoke thought in the church. How are we ever going to reach people out side of church?


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Todd Nelson said...

This is a striking image. You really captured the essence of the entire story! What do I need to do to get this one?

At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I ever thought of looking at a stained glass window and thinking there was a story behind it all! This is very thought provoking! You have opened my eyes to looking at stained glass windows from a church a different way! H


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