Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In His Service or the Name of Christ?

Originally uploaded by Scott Dungan.

Thanks for the correction DG. IHS is an abbreviation for the name of Christ. Growing up I always heard it meant "In his service". I knew about ICXC as an abbreviation for the name of Christ but not IHS.

I broke my own rule. I generally look things up to make sure I have my facts right. But in this instance. I thought I knew the truth. Which begs the question. How many ideas do we hold true, that are not?


At 11:39 AM, Blogger DGH said...

not sure if you were joking or not..but I thought i would just put this link up to the history of the letters "ihs"


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Thanks for the correction D.G. I never questioned that I had the wrong meaning associated with IHS.

I broke my own rule on fact checking....


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